Hello you epic human!

Are you:

  • fumbling through the transition into Defence life
  • tired of navigating all’the’things
  • feeling alone, and missing your village?

Welcome, pull up a seat {gestures towards big table with lots of room}. It’s so awesome to have you here ♥

I’m a police veterans’ wife, and am now a defence spouse. I get what it’s like supporting our first responders + military members, navigating mental health battles (isolation and starting over, again, takes it toll), and am here to remind you that you’re not alone.

From tips to make your days a bit more magical, to creating memories, to sharing in life on the ‘inside’ – Boots Back Home brings you into our journey navigating business, Defence life and so much more.

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Step One try on

“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”
— Brené Brown

What I Wish I Knew Before My Partner Enlisted.

What I Wish I Knew Before My Partner Enlisted.

When my husband decided to enlist in the Australian Defence Force, I had no idea what was coming. We had been through his career as a police officer, and I thought I knew what it meant to serve. But the truth is, military life? It’s a whole...

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International Women’s Day 2024 with RSL Queensland

International Women’s Day 2024 with RSL Queensland

When I was asked to be a keynote speaker at RSL Queensland’s International Women’s Day morning tea, I was floored. Being asked to share our experience as a Defence family with 55 incredible humans from different services and networks is such an...

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What to expect when they’re enlisting..

What to expect when they’re enlisting..

Enlisting in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is a significant step - not only for those taking the oath but also for those of us back home who are standing by them. Understanding the path ahead can take a little of the load off when your partner...

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