When it comes to eating seasonally, locally, or as fresh as possible, you really can’t beat eating straight from the farm itself.

Today when visiting Quibble Market at the Ipswich Showgrounds, I had the pleasure of meeting Theresa and Dot from Valley Pride Produce.

Their family farm is currently in it’s 5th generation of ownership, and is about to become 6th gen – hooley dooley! It had my mind blown. You simply don’t hear stories like this very often.

Valley Pride Produce grow their vegetables, fruit and meat on the outskirts of Ipswich, in a little town of Charlwood. Part of their service is that they deliver right through to Brisbane, several times a week (& you know how much I love the idea of not having to go to a supermarket..).

But THEN! To reduce food waste, any of the *super ugly food is turned into jam, pesto, chutney, and even cake! This is the simple life that I adore. Ensuring that there is minimal impact on the environment, while nurturing souls and nourishing minds and bodies along the way.

In April and July 2024, Destination Scenic Rim have the Farm Gate Trail, where we are able to go to the farm and pick our own foods. I can’t wait. These dates have already been earmarked, and I’ll be sure to update this when we’ve experienced that part of this beautiful farm.

*Super ugly food is the food that may be too wonky, spotty, or slightly damaged and is unsaleable.