What I Wish I Knew Before My Partner Enlisted.
When my husband decided to enlist in the Australian Defence Force, I had no idea what was coming. We had been through his career as a police officer, and I thought I knew what it meant to serve. But the truth is, military life? It’s a whole different ball game. If...
International Women’s Day 2024 with RSL Queensland
When I was asked to be a keynote speaker at RSL Queensland’s International Women’s Day morning tea, I was floored. Being asked to share our experience as a Defence family with 55 incredible humans from different services and networks is such an honour. Who was I to...
What to expect when they’re enlisting..
Enlisting in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is a significant step - not only for those taking the oath but also for those of us back home who are standing by them. Understanding the path ahead can take a little of the load off when your partner or family member...
Creating space for partners of serving members in business
I was born into a family of self employment. My dad had his own business, and in my teens my mum had her own business. Over the years I toyed with hobby businesses alongside my full-time roles, and even had one that was designed purely around sharing small business...
What I Wish I Knew Before My Partner Enlisted.
When my husband decided to enlist in the Australian Defence Force, I had no idea what was coming. We had been through his career as a police officer, and I thought I knew what it meant to serve. But the truth is, military life? It’s a whole different ball game. If...
International Women’s Day 2024 with RSL Queensland
When I was asked to be a keynote speaker at RSL Queensland’s International Women’s Day morning tea, I was floored. Being asked to share our experience as a Defence family with 55 incredible humans from different services and networks is such an honour. Who was I to...
What to expect when they’re enlisting..
Enlisting in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is a significant step - not only for those taking the oath but also for those of us back home who are standing by them. Understanding the path ahead can take a little of the load off when your partner or family member...
Creating space for partners of serving members in business
I was born into a family of self employment. My dad had his own business, and in my teens my mum had her own business. Over the years I toyed with hobby businesses alongside my full-time roles, and even had one that was designed purely around sharing small business...
Field Notes

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